Seeing views like this made me so happy I had a great full frame Canon DSLR, the 6D and the Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 in my bag. The color you are seeing here was right off the camera, there were no polarized filters or adjustments to color needed. Just an impressive location for shooting wide angle photos with a great lens. Perhaps it was just the light in Maine and the clean air and water.
Acadia has a great variety of scenes and you could easily spend two
weeks here with your camera and never get bored. I only had a few hours
though and it was magnificent.
This is a selfie from the top of Cadillac Mountain. The wind was pretty strong and it was just a little rain.
Two nights before we arrived in Bar Harbor after a 16 hour drive, the last 4 hours was driving through a Noreaster with vertical rain and poor visability on the Maine Turn Pike.
At just before midnight the rain had stopped and I was able to take a walk around Bar Harbor with my camera. Here are a couple photos.
All these shots were captured with the Canon 6D and the Canon 24-70mm f/2.8. They really are a nice combination for walking around site seeing.
I'll have some more great shots on my next posting. Thanks for stopping in to view my blog.